Where to start, I shot the Guardian Long Range match at 7 Foxtrot range last weekend. If you've never shot a Guardian match it should be on your short list of matches to shoot. The philosophy behind the match and the good that they do for foster kids is just amazing. Thanks so much for what you do Gary Larson.

Guardian was able to present a check for $15,000.00 to 1 Hope for Kids in San Antonio.
Corey Bolt shot outstanding on the day one individual match and pulled out a win. Congratulations Corey, outstanding performance.

Day two of the match is a team match that has the last place shooter teamed up with the first-place shooter, and so forth. I was teamed up with Josh Cavalier. I've met and talked to Josh several times over the years but never had a chance to shoot with him. I felt like we were doing pretty well after the first two stages, and that continued forward. We shot well enough to take first on the team portion of the match.

It's been a while since I've shot any matches and the Guardian was a great match to get back into the game.
Thanks a lot Gary Larson for what you do for the foster kid community around the country. Thanks a lot, to Eric Findley, owner of 7 Foxtrot, who allowed the match to take place on his range at no cost at all.
Thank you so much to all of the RO's and support personnel for all of the hard work you all put in to make this match happen. It was not very good conditions to stand still in while trying to see hits on steel for two days, I appreciate you all very much.

Till next time, look for opportunities to plant a seed for Gods harvest.
Gary Larson
Guardian Long Range
1 Hope for Kids
Corey Bolt
Josh Cavalier
Eric Findley
7 Fox trot range
- Tony Burkes